March 1, 2013
1  minute read

Rock 'n' rolling boil

Eat to the beat

Compilation CDs to accompany road trips have been around for a while but, on Monday, Sony are to release Cooking Songs, a three CD album stuffed with tunes to bake along to.

TV chef Gino D’Acampo has also stirred in eight of his recipes which he hopes will harmonise with the 54 tracks.

Naturally, the track listing is rather Marmite. Listening to One Direction sing What Makes You Beautiful may make some people cook like angels but it’s my idea of a real kitchen hell.

Some of the songs also seem a bit counter-intuitive. Listening to Britney Spears singing Toxic as you serve up your lasagne might not inspire confidence among your guests.

Still, it’s all down to personal preference. I’m quite fond of alt country bands but it turns out that song after song about heartbreak, mining tragedies and dead dogs don’t stimulate everybody’s appetite. Who knew?

The one glaring omission from Cooking Songs is, of course, Weird Al Yankovic’s Eat It, a quirky spoof on one of Michael Jackson’s biggest hits.
