April 16, 2013
2  minute read

Get your chilli on

Reckon you got what it takes to make a kick-ass chilli? Well, you may want to sign up for Glasgow’s first ever Chilli Con Carnival.

The chilli competition takes place in Ad Lib Merchant City on Saturday 5th May – also known as Cinco de Mayo, a day when America’s Mexican communities celebrate their heritage.

Chilli Con Carnival

Ad Lib will play host to the Chilli Con Carnival which hopes to find Glasgow’s Chilli Champ. This year’s judges include Glasgow’s very own celebrity chef, John Quigley. Previously the private chef for rock stars such as Tina Turner and Bryan Adams, Chef Quigley now runs the successful Red Onion on Bath Street.

Also judging the competition is James Lees, of the excellent  James Vs Burger site, and Mega Death Chilli sauce founder and owner Matt Lowe, whose hell-bending Try If You Dare sauce can be found in both Ad Lib restaurants.

Winning recipe

The winning chilli recipe will be sold in both Ad Lib venues and will also be featured on the well loved Ad Lib specials board. The Chilli Champ will also be invited to return to Ad Lib with a £100 voucher to spend with friends.

Family day out

Added attractions on the day include piñatas for the kids; a mariachi band; margaritas for £3 and specially selected bottles of Mexican beer to wash down that hot chilli.

Chilli contenders can enter by bringing their very own pre-made chilli recipe to Ad Lib Ingram Street at 1pm on Cinco de Mayo.

The rules

These are the rules of entry:

Entrants must bring 250g of chilli to enter and it must have been made by the entrant’s own fair hands –  no trying to pass off Markies’ chilli as your own.

Time allocations will be given prior to the day.

Judging will take place 1pm-3pm.

Only one entry per person.

Chilli must have been freshly cooked no longer than 24 hours prior to judging.

For further information or to enter go to the Ad Lib FB page, website or call at the Ingram Street branch.