December 17, 2013
2  minute read

Flying Dog aims to serve Leith's top dog

Scandinavian style open sandwiches are part of the offer at Leith’s Flying Dog

So yesterday the 5pm Dining blog was havering about the way in which Glasgow has embraced the gourmet street food/BBQ craze with much more gusto than Edinburgh.

Gourmet dogs

Inevitably, within a few hours of posting that blog, we discover that The Flying Dog has been dishing up gourmet hot dogs in Leith since early November.

The Henderson Street site used to be the old school Trafalgar Bar, a curiously British name for a pub located in what is sometimes called the People’s Independent Republic of Leith.

Having never been in the Trafalgar Bar, the blog can’t tell how much has changed but we strongly suspect that the stripped back brick walls, abstract art and flowers on the bar are all new.

Gluten-free dog buns

Just guessing here but it seems doubtful that Fairtrade cappuccinos and gluten-free hot dog buns were much in demand in the bar’s former incarnation.

The aforementioned gourmet hot dogs and Scandi style open sandwiches seem to be the main thrust of the food offer.

The ever inquisitive Lunchquest blog has a review here.

You’d be barking not to try the hot dogs at The Flying Dog