January 14, 2014
2  minute read

Burns, burlesque and haggis hurling

Big Country will be in Burns country

The more keen-eyed readers will have noticed that the 5pm Dining blog has been going a little barmy for Burns over the last few days.

As well as blethering about haggis beer, we’ve also been pointing you towards some excellent 5pm restaurants which are running special Burns events.

Looking at the wider picture, there are a couple of fun festivals happening as part of Homecoming Scotland 2014.

Taking place in various venues in Dumfries, the Big Burns Supper is running Fri 24th to Sun 26th January.

Burns goes burlesque

As well as gigs from Mull Historical Society, Big Country and Fred MacAulay, there will be burlesque Burns nights taking place in a Spiegel tent. One suspects that Burns would also have liked the midnight roller disco being held in his name.

We liked the sound of the ten minute Burns nights in the Globe Bar. Apparently they are ten minutes well spent and their advertising strapline has a certain appeal: ‘Haggis piped, whisky poured, Grace said, toasts made, Amen.’

Check out the full line-up of events from here.

Haggis hurling

Meanwhile, in and around Alloway, there are five days of Burns related events taking place from the 22nd of January.

Alloway 1759 will feature ghost walks, musical concerts, pipe bands, Burns suppers and a haggis hurling competition.

East coast residents may prefer to drop by the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.

Their Burnsfest 2014 promises an alternative Burns supper and advice on how best to recite Tam O’Shanter.