January 20, 2014
2  minute read

Happy Birthday to Restaurant Mark Greenaway


Mark Greenaway’s new rhubarb dessert

Like many kids, when this 5pm Dining blog scribbler was a nipper, I always took great delight in singing alternative versions of Happy Birthday to You.

Adding the line about squashed tomato and stew seemed the height of wit and sophistication when I was five.

The blog’s humour hasn’t matured much since then although squashed tomatoes and stew seem to get fewer mentions at today’s birthday parties.

6 course menu

There is certainly no sign of either on the menu tomorrow when Mark Greenaway celebrates the first anniversary of launching his eponymous restaurant on North Castle Street in Edinburgh.

Chef Greenaway, veteran star of The Great British Menu, has been busy devising new dishes for the birthday of Restaurant Mark Greenaway and six of them feature on the menu for a special birthday celebration meal being held at the restaurant tomorrow.

Here’s the menu:

Amuse bouche

Duo of West Coast scallops, pork crackling, dashi broth, soy caramel, sea vegetables and rice wine vinegar jelly

Millet grain popcorn, tarragon porridge, pickled beetroot, radicchio, labneh and saffron mayonnaise

Chicken broth infusion

Surprise fish course

A tasting of Borders lamb with roasted cauliflower purée, quinoa, Brussels sprout leaves, roasted chestnuts and rosemary jus

Ginger and rhubarb fondant with a liquid rhubarb centre, rhubarb jelly, almond ice cream, vanilla custard

The complete menu is £50 per person as opposed to the normal tasting menu price of £65.50 or £80 with matched wines.

Incidentally, your blogger had lunch at Bistro Moderne by Mark Greenaway on North West Circus Place last week. Very good it was too, especially a pork belly dish featuring some rather elegant crackling.