January 9, 2014
2  minute read

Nota bene, NB Gin is launching

NB Gin is the latest micro-distilled, Scottish gin to hit the market.

At this stage in 2014, gin probably isn’t uppermost in your thoughts. However, it is often on the mind of the 5pm Dining blog and, even at this abstemious time of year, we are always happy to hear of new brands. Especially Scottish ones. Those New Year resolutions won’t last forever and, when they finally crumble, you might want to look out for a bottle of NB Gin.

The NB stands for North Berwick which is where this new gin is produced by husband and wife team Steve and Viv Muir. The Muirs have set up a micro-distillery in the East Lothian town using a custom-built still. Using eight different botanicals, the gin is distilled, blended, bottled and labelled by hand in North Berwick in very small batches.

Unashamedly traditional

Since its launch in October 2013, NB Gin has proved popular with Vino Wines, Royal Mile Whiskies, Drinkmonger, The Cork and Cask and The Fine Wine Company all listing it. It is also being trialled at venues such as Edinburgh’s One Square and Juniper, the cocktail bar at Twenty Princes Street.

Steve Muir says: ‘Gin is making a comeback, but it’s very different this time round. Consumers are drinking less but are more discerning about quality and fortunately, that’s what our product is all about. NB Gin is unashamedly traditional, but provides a balanced flavour and strength which is not overly complicated.’

Local spirits

Locally distilled spirits are being tipped by many an influential barman as likely to soar in popularity this year. The fashion for drinking spirits brewed locally follows on from the trend for low mileage food and, of course, locally brewed, craft ales.

From Edinburgh Gin to Caorunn, Blackwoods (?) and our old friend Hendrick’s, arguably the brand that kick-started the current boom in new Scottish gins, it would seem that our thirst for locally produced gin shows little sign of being slaked any time soon.

The 5pm Dining blog understands that a new distillery is currently taking shape up by Caithness. The first Rock Rose Gin is expected to be ready this summer.

Chin chin, me old chinas!