April 14, 2014
2  minute read

La Bonne Auberge calls action on dinner and a movie

La Bonne Auberge: make your own rom com over dinner.

It’s a foolish man or woman who takes advice from the 5pm Dining blog on affairs of the heart.

Need a tip on how to make the perfect G ‘n’ T or how to produce great egg-fried rice and we’re happy to chirp away.

Got man/woman troubles? You’d be better off consulting a balloon on a stick.

That said, we do know that dinner and a movie is always a great date.

Theatreland location

Happily the lovely people at La Bonne Auberge in Glasgow are making the most of their location in Theatreland and offering diners a food and film package.

The restaurant’s blockbuster offer invites diners to enjoy an award-winning, two course dinner in the AA Rosette-garlanded restaurant with a ticket for any 2D film at the CineWorld Cinema directly opposite.

The cost? £19.95 per person; which is roughly what you would spend on popcorn if you hadn’t eaten before the film.

Paid parking

And the enterprising restaurant will even pay the parking fee for diners who park after 5pm at Concert Square Car Park, directly opposite the brasserie. All they have to do is show their ticket to the Maitre’D and it will be stamped as paid.

Lunch offer

Not that you have to take the dinner and movie package to benefit from the largesse of La Bonne Auberge. Lunch time diners spending some time in Glasgow can take advantage of eight hours parking for only £5 at Concert Square Car Park as the Maitre’D can provide a voucher that will amend eight hour parking costs to only £5.

‘Yippee kay ay!’ as you might exclaim if you had just been to see Die Hard 87.