May 6, 2014
2  minute read

Beer from a Hot Rum Cow? That's clever.

Hot Rum Cow beer: no cows were used in the production of this beer.

You’ve got to like the drinks magazine Hot Rum Cow. While most drinks mags are content to merely write about interesting beers, wines and spirits, this Edinburgh-based magazine actually makes its own beer.

Or, more accurately, they have collaborated with the good people at Stewart Brewing to produce their own Hot Rum Cow brew.

Rum and spice

The Hot Rum Cow crew originally suggested that their beer should be made using the ingredients that go into a Hot Rum Cow cocktail: warm milk, rum and spices.

Fortunately, wiser heads at Stewart Brewery’s Craft Beer Kitchen prevailed and the brewers have come up with a Rye IPA which is described as spiced, citreous and idiosyncratic.

Live music

Beer fans can taste the new brew at party being held in Jeremiah’s Tap on Elm Row this Thursday. Guests are promised live music from The Gorms, muchos freebies and the chance to try the new 6.7% beer. The fifth edition of the magazine will also be available.

The event is free to attend but guests are asked to register via this link.

Brew your own

The new Hot Rum Cow beer is an example of the brews that can be produced in the brewery’s Craft Beer Kitchen. If you have ever wanted to create your own porter, ale or lager in a professional brewery then this is how it’s done:
