June 10, 2014
2  minute read

BrewDog gets a bite of Dundee

BrewDog’s imminent Dundonian kennel.

The official opening of BrewDog’s first Dundonian bar takes place this weekend.

Never knowingly far from controversy, the Aberdeenshire-based brewers have set up shop in the Chambers Building on Panmure Street.

It is the fourth bar which the company have opened in their native Scotland and their eighteenth worldwide. BrewDog bars now reach from Gothenburg to Tokyo.

The brewery will launch a further seven bars this year including venues in the unlikely trio of Clapham, Liverpool and Rome.

Profits up 383%

Yesterday, BrewDog unveiled their financial figures for 2013. Turnover for the year was just over £18m while profits were up 383% at 2.3m.

Remarkable given that when the company launched, it was little more than founders James Watt and Martin Dickie flogging beer from the back of a van at farmers’ markets.

Having opened their new Ellon Brewery in January 2013, the plant is already being expanded to meet demand.

New visitor centre

The expansion is due to be completed by August 2014 and will include a new visitor centre and tap room.

James commented:

‘2013 was a brilliant year for us and our financial results show that. We launched our new state-of-the-art brewery part funded by Equity Punks, opened three more awesome bars including our first international bar, and welcomed 8,000 new Equity for Punks to our business.

‘While tired pubs are facing closure and big breweries are reporting disappointing sales, the craft beer revolution has never been stronger and our continued growth shows just how much the UK beer scene is changing. And we are determined to change it much, much more.’

BrewDog: like to do things differently.