December 15, 2014
2  minute read

One too many? Try pizza

The Hangover Pizza from Bite Me Pizza.

The 5pm Dining blog recommends that everyone should stick well within their government weekly sanctioned ration of alcohol units. And that doesn’t mean drinking them all in one night.

However, we also recognise that at this time of year, it’s not unusual for people to accidentally have one or two more drinks than planned. And then to wake up the next morning with a head like Hades and a digestive system akin to a washing machine going through a spin cycle.

Obviously, this not new. Ever since our ancestors first got nutted on rotting fruit, mankind has become drunk and then woke up the next morning, feeling guilty and wondering how to stop that infernal pounding in the temples.


Through the ages, hangover cures have covered everything from Turkish tripe soup to deep-fried canaries, a favourite of the ancient Romans.

Happily, one no longer need loot a pet shop to cure a hangover. Paracetamol, vitamin tablets and sachets of rehydrating salts are all likely to be rather more effective.

While necking pills and potions may work, they are not much fun. For this we turn to news of Bite Me Pizza, a Notting Hill joint which has just started producing a new, limited edition product: the Hangover pizza.

Bloody Mary

Essentially, it’s a full English breakfast on top of a pizza base with a Bloody Mary sauce in place of the usual sugo.

We think they might be on to something although we also reckon that just the thought of any decent pizza with a Bloody Mary on the side would probably make most of us feel slightly better about the day.

Offers on Italian restaurants

Given that Notting Hill is almost certainly a little remote for most readers of the 5pm Dining blog, you can see what 5pm offers are available from our Italian restaurant members a little closer to home by clicking here.