August 7, 2015
2  minute read

A lovely plate of Scotch lamb

Jamie Scott and Gregg Wallace show their Scotch lamb PGI dishes. Pic Alan Richardson Dundee,

Earlier this week, the 5pm Dining blog had a fun lunch with Gregg Wallace, Masterchef presenter, Strictly disaster and general good egg.

Along with Jamie Scott, winner of BBC Masterchef: The Professionals, Gregg was at Edinburgh School of Food and Wine to encourage Scots to eat more of the delicious Scotch Lamb PGI which we produce around these parts.

Easy to cook

Gregg’s message was simple:

‘Lamb had always been my personal favourite and there is real potential for lots more of us to be making the most of this natural, easy-to-cook product which is bursting with flavour and such a great ingredient for a whole range of quick, tasty dishes.’

We’ve got some great Gregg pics, clips and quotes which we will unleash next week.

Until then, here’s a quick and easy recipe for lamb burgers which you can get ready in half an hour.

There are lots more convenient lamb recipes at the Wham Bam Thank You Lamb site.

Lamb burgers: 20 minutes tops.


Prep 10 mins

Cook 10 mins

Serves 6

Ingredients for the patties

500g minced Scotch lamb

1 red onion, finely chopped

50-75g sundried tomatoes, finely chopped

12 pitted black olives, chopped

1 tsp dried oregano

Pepper and just a little salt

To serve

6 warmed pitta breads

a bag of baby salad leaves or a small shredded lettuce

Pot of ready-made tomato salsa

Preparation method

Mix together all the patty ingredients and season sparingly, the olives and sun-dried tomatoes will add plenty of flavour on their own. Divide and shape into 12 patties.

Heat a frying or griddle pan and cook the patties for about 6 minutes until cooked through.

Cut the warm pittas in half, stuff each with a handful of salad leaves, a sliced patty and a spoon of tomato salsa.