October 8, 2015
2  minute read

Magners launch alcohol free cider

Possibly surprising news from the Irish cider makers Magners who have launched an alcohol free cider in Scotland – a decision which was apparently ‘driven by consumer demand in Scotland’.

Scotland, and Glasgow in particular, are often used by drinks companies to test new alcohol products. The population is seen as being more open to new drinks than other parts of the UK. Make of that what you will.

Magners Alcohol Free

This blogger would humbly suggest that this idea may well be true for alcoholic drinks but seems less likely for non-alcoholic tipples.

More socially acceptable

However, I’m happy to concede that I may be out of touch. According to research from Magners, ‘alcohol free alternatives are becoming more popular with young people’ and their data ‘shows that 18-34 year olds are eight times more likely than over 65s to replace full strength alcohol with an alcohol free alternative’.

They continue, ‘the stigma that once surrounded alcohol free drinks is lifting; 49% of British adults believe that alcohol free beer is more socially acceptable than it was five years ago. This research is supported by industry data showing an 8.4% growth in the alcohol free market during 2013-2014.

Paul Condron, Marketing Director at Magners, said: ‘People are becoming more health conscious than ever before and with the recent change in drink drive laws, it feels like the perfect time to launch Magners Alcohol Free. We already know that people love the taste of Magners cider and we’re now giving them the option to enjoy it with or without alcohol.’

18 calories

Magners Alcohol Free hopes to capitalise on this growing market. At 18 calories per 330ml bottle, the brand is also targeting those with one eye on their waistline.

Perfect for the run-up to Christmas and indeed ideal for the post-festive aftermath.

Those who feel slightly distressed at the idea of alcohol free cider may be reassured by the news that Magners have also launched two new ‘Forbidden Flavours’ ciders. These are Strawberry and Lime and Cloudy Lemon at 4% and 4.5% alcohol by volume respectively.

Magners advises that both new flavours are best served over ice with a slice of fruit.