January 29, 2016
2  minute read

Scots forget New Year diets: 24% increase in January restaurant bookings

Scots are swapping restrictive January diets for indulgent restaurant dining, according to restaurant booking website 5pm.co.uk

Forget juice cleanses and dry Januarys – Scottish foodies are saying “sod the diet” and choosing to spend the first month of 2016 indulging in restaurant dining.

According to leading restaurant booking website 5pm.co.uk, 24% more Scots are dining out in January compared to last year.

Plus the most popular cuisine choices have been the naughtiest ones, with 37% browsing Italian restaurants and 14% looking for Indian restaurants.

A decadent slab of tiramisu and creamy curry with naan proving a direct contrast to all gym and diet boasts usually heard at this time of year.

Why are restaurant bookings increasing?

So what is the explanation for the increase in restaurant bookings? Are the healthy eating claims covering up the truth of a nation of gannets? Or have Scottish diners simply realised the New Year diets rarely last anyway so there’s little point in denying yourself in the first place?

Ronnie Somerville, 5pm Founder, thinks Scots are a nation of foodies who are reluctant to give up their meals out.

“From Michelin star fine dining establishments to street food pop ups, Scotland has a thriving foodie scene and Scottish diners have become accustomed to top quality food at excellent value for money.”

“It is regarded by most chefs that Scotland has the best larder in the world, which includes our meat, fish, fruit and veg, and this is reflected in the quality of restaurant food.”

“Of course our 5pm £12 Sale, which features Scotland’s top restaurants with offers priced at just £12, is an even bigger incentive for Scottish diners to ditch cooking for the night.”

“Savvy Scots have realised there’s no point going cold turkey for one month only to fall off the wagon and stuff their faces in February. They have realised everything in moderation is the key – and with so many excellent restaurants in Scotland at low prices, why should they deny themselves?”


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