May 13, 2016
2  minute read

New Edinburgh restaurant openings on the horizon

If you go down to the WildManWood, you’re in for a pizza surprise.

There is loadsa stuff happening on Edinburgh’s restaurant front at the moment.

First up, a branch of BRGR is scheduled to open on Nicholson Street on the 19th of May. As Glaswegian burger buddies will know, there is already a BRGR on Great Western Road and one in Giffnock.

This scribbler hasn’t been in but we do remember that when the first Glasgow branch opened there was much fuss over the fact that they offered ‘hawders’ with which diners could ‘hawd’ their burger.

Fur coat present, underwear absent?

Given Edinburgh’s reputation as a place where sex are what coal is delivered in, we look forward to the new branch offering some suitably douce form of cutlery which will strike a chord with genteel Edinburgh diners.

Obviously, this Edinburgh-based correspondent will be doing nothing so vulgar as hawding his own burger.

That’s why a chap has a valet.

Firing up WildManWood

Back in the real world, we understand that Malcolm Innes’ WildManWood Pizza place is on the cusp of opening on Marshall Street.

As was the case with other Innes’ ventures such as the fab Ting Thai Caravan, info is scarce. The List tells us that the place will be fitted with ‘a custom-designed wood-burning oven, fired by beech and oak chips’.

More info as we get it.

Birthday drams

Finally, from new openings to birthday celebrations. Usquabae Bar and Larder on Hope Street celebrated its first birthday last night.

A spectacular range of Scotch and menus which showcase the finest local produce are its selling points.

We wish them every success for the coming year and hope that heads aren’t too sore this morning.