March 28, 2018
2  minute read

Get your cocktails and carbs fix at The Laundrette in Manchester

The Laundrette in Manchester believes dining should be fun and filling.

One glance at the menu makes this clear; it is packed with carbtastic, mouthwatering dishes like pizzas, burgers and mac n cheese, alongside a list of cocktails with names like "Raspberri flossi" and "Love juice."

The Laundrette Manchester cocktails and carbs

The Deansgate venue thinks cocktails and carbs are the perfect combination (as do we, coincidentally enough), so much so they've created a menu based entirely around the winning pairing.

The menu has a selection of filling carb dishes and cocktails and allows diners to pick two courses with a cocktail for just £14.

If the thought of carbs and cocktails isn't enticing enough (yeah, right), here's someone photographs of the dishes and cocktails on the menu to make you salivate even further.

Goat's cheese, roasted bell peppers, caramelised red onion am, pesto and rocket pizza.

Polenta fried chicken burger with guacamole, mozzarella, chipotle aioli, rocket & fries.

Ventricinia salami, chilli, spicy sausage, tomato, mozzarella & rocket pizza.

Truffle mac n cheese.

Marshmallow colada cocktail.

Raspberri flossi cocktail.

Love juice cocktail.

Book two courses with a cocktail from the carbs and cocktails menu at The Laundrette Manchester on 5pm.