November 5, 2020
3  minute read

New Edinburgh restaurant and an automated wine bluffer

Fin and Grape is taking shape in the former Bia Bistrot premises.

As we have noted in previous blogs, this scribbler has plenty of admiration for people who are convinced that they have got what it takes to open a restaurant in this challenging climate.

 So it's hats off to the team behind Fin and Grape. If all goes well, the new venture on Colinton Road will open over the weekend.

It is billed as having a 'focus on Scottish seafood and wine'. Of course, if fish is not your friend there are other options such as glazed pork collar yakitori or BBQ broccoli with hummus and hazelnuts.

In general, the menu simply lists the ingredients - scallops, cauliflower, roast chicken dressing or lamb rump, Jerusalem artichoke, salsa verde.

Some might prefer a little more info. Others might like the element of surprise.

Either way, the pics on their Facebook - which is where we lifted the main pic from - look great and we wish them the best of luck.

On a more cheesy note, Virgin Wine have unveiled a wine bluffing machine.

Apparently, at any given social gathering, over half of us will exaggerate in order to appear more sophisticated, knowledgeable or successful.

Job roles, travels, salary and dating record are all subjects which we tend to, ahem, polish up a little when in company.

Perhaps not surprisingly, many of us would like to appear more knowledgeable about wine than we really are.

Wine Buff Machine  

With their tongues presumably firmly in their cheeks, Virgin Wine have developed their Incredible Wine Buff Machine.

Users can select the type or varietal of wine they are drinking and the program will generate an off the peg comment.

Users can choose to play it safe and generate a fairly straight down the line comment or opt for the show off level and attempt to carry off something more florid.

For example, if you select 'red wine', 'Bordeaux' and 'play it safe' then it might serve up a comment such as: 'Certainly a bold French red, big on flavour with plenty of tannins'.

Opt for the expert commentary and you will get this mouthful: 'This is one of the best Cab Sav and Merlot blends I've tasted recently. Of course, there could be a cheeky bit of Cabernet Franc in here too. Aside from the obvious flavours, I'm getting a hint of violet that's absolutely divine'.

I think they could have had a bit more fun and sent up some of the more extravagant winespeak: 

'I'm getting hints of elderly badger on the nose and a truculent mouthfeel with a furry finish'.