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April 1, 2011
With her 'Let them eat cake' quote, Marie Antoinette started the craze for afternoon tea. And the French Revolution.

The blog was going to ease up on the whole royal wedding and food thing but then this April Fool editorial in The Guardian made me chuckle so much that I forgot to be grumpy.

If you can’t be bothered to click through then it’s a lovely spoof piece about how the Guardian is now whole-heartedly supporting the monarchy.

I particularly liked the line: ‘Few things, after all, are as likely to lift the spirits of Britain’s embattled public sector workers or benefit claimants than the sight of Kate Middleton’s sure-to-be-spectacular wedding dress.’

Ho ho ho!

If you take a less jaundiced view of these things then you may care to investigate the Sheraton’s ‘limited edition’ Royal Afternoon Tea in its Exchange Bar which runs throughout April and May.

As always, the fun of these things lies in the number of royal references which the kitchen has managed to crowbar into the menu. The Sheraton has done a good job with Prince’s Syllabub, Battenburg Cake, Princess’ Whoopie Pie, Cherry Jubilee Chocolate Cup, Maid of Honour Tartlet, Royal Deeside Fruit Cake and, of course, coronation chicken sarnies, a filling which was created for Queen Liz in 1953.

We reported on The Met Bar’s An-Tea Establishment afternoon tea earlier in the week. How long until some wag offers an abolition afternoon tea? Feel free to suggest menu items for the End of the Monarchy Menu.